Saturday, October 29, 2011


Reminders:    Dismissal on Monday, Oct. 31 is 11:30.
                      Progress reports will be sent home on Thursday.  Please sign and return.  They will be
                      sent back to you.
                      Please send in a can/box of food for the food drive.
                      Dismissal on Friday, Nov. 4 is 11:30.
Monday, Oct. 31       Happy Halloween!
Script - in pen do p. 4 top
Spelling - study and write words 6-10 3x each
Vocab.- study words 1-5 p. 30
Math - worksheet do rows 1-2  also study and write 1x table 1x
On Tuesday we attend the 8:45 Mass for All Saints Day.

Tuesday, Nov. 1     All Saints Day
Script - in pen do p. 4 bottom
Vocab.- study words 6-10 p. 31
Grammar - Test.  Study p. 16
Spelling - use words 6-10 in sentences
Math - worksheet do rows 3-4   also study and write 1x table 1x

Wednesday, Nov. 2
Script - in pen do p. 5
Vocab.- Test. words 1-10 p. 30-31
Spelling - study and write words 11-15 3x each
Math - worksheet do row 5   also study and write 1x table 1x
Return library book and book report

Thursday, Nov. 3
Script - in pen do p. 6 top
Spelling - use words 11-15 in sentences
Math - Test.  Do study sheet
Read your library book and begin your book report.
Dismissal Friday is 11:30.
Friday we attend the 8:45 Mass.

Friday, Nov. 4
Script - in pen do p. 6 bottom
Spelling - Test.  study words 1-15
Writing - paragraph

Remember to worship God on Sunday.

Enjoy your weekend!