Monday, October 10, 2011


Reminder:  all tests papers are to be signed and returned the next day to class where they will be kept
                  in your child's portfolio until the end of the school year.       Thank You.

Please note:  Grade 3 will be leading the morning prayer this week.  You are invited to join us at
                      We will be having a rosary rally on Thursday, Oct. 13.  Your child will need to bring
                       a rosary to school.  You are invited to join us.
                       School pictures will be taken on Thursday, Oct. 13.  School uniforms must be worn.


Tuesday, Oct. 11
Spelling - use words 11-15 in sentences
Script - practice writing b
Math - study math facts 8+
            worksheet do rows 1-2
Science - study sheet do #4

Wednesday, Oct. 12
Spelling - Test.  Study words 1-15
Script - practice writing k
Grammar - do p. 11 #1-3
Math - study math facts 8+
            worksheet do rows 3-4
Return library book and book report.
Bring in rosary tomorrow.
School pictures tomorrow.  Wear you school uniform and practice your smile.

Thursday, Oct. 13
Script - practice writing f
Grammar - do p. 11 #4-6
Math - study math facts 8+
            worksheet do rows 5-6
Science - Test.  Review study sheet
Read your library book and begin your book report.

Friday, Oct. 14
Math - study math facts 9+
Writing - paragraph
Science - work on food pyramid project which is due on Oct. 21

Remember to worship God on Sunday.

Enjoy your weekend!