Thursday, October 29, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 30 minutes and log.
2. Science page 105 numbers 1 and 2.


Halloween party tomorrow! If your tuition isn't paid up your child cannot participate in the party, sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you.
Ms. DiVirgilio

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Good evening!

Sorry I haven't been keeping up with the blog posts.


1. Read for 30 minutes and log.
2. Math page 89, numbers 16-30
3. Social Studies open book test tomorrow.


Please sign and return all tests.

Halloween Party on Friday (if you're tuition isn't paid up, your child cannot participate.)

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 30 minutes
2. Math: Page 81 numbers 16-25, round to check your work.


Vocabulary test on Monday 10/26
Science test on Tuesday 10/27

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Good Afternoon!

The Terra Nova is now completed (aside from "make up" days if your child missed any part of the exam.)

The science research project is due on November 6th and I have given the children the following information in regards to it:

-Pick 2 animals.
-Go to the web sites and and find out the following information:
*Their name
*If they are endangered or not.
*What they eat.
*Where they live.
*What type of animal they are (example: mammal, amphibian,)
*Three interesting facts about them.
*What type of ecosystem the animal belongs in.

The project has to be done on poster board (oak tag) and include pictures of both animals to go along with the information. (The information must be typed or written out neatly on a separate sheet of paper and glued to the board, the children do not have to write on the actual board.)
I will be grading these as a TEST grade since the children did not take a chapter 2 science test. 

Also, some of the children asked if they can do more than 2 animals, which is fine, and if they will receive extra credit points towards their grade. 

Thank you! 
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 30 minutes.

2. Write a sentence for each of the 10 vocabulary words from Unit 2. Label the subject and predicate in each sentence.


Pizza Day tomorrow.

Vocabulary test on Monday October 26th

Science test on Tuesday October 27th.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Good afternoon! 


1. Read for 30 minutes and log. 
2. Math worksheet
3. Information for science research project will be given out tomorrow and the project is due on November 6th. 

Reminder: Pizza Day is Wednesday, October 21st. 

Thank you! 
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 30 minutes and log.


Sorry for the short notice but the children need to have a set of rosary beads for tomorrow as we will be having a "Rosary Rally" in which we say a decade of the rosary together.

Terra Nova will continue tomorrow with the Math part.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 30 minutes and log.
2. Math worksheet.

Terra Nova will continue tomorrow with the Language part.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 25 minutes and log. I'm going to start checking logs everyday.
2.  Get tests signed and do corrections. They will receive an addition 5 points on their tests when they do corrections if their grade is below a 70. (Not meaning that all children don't have to do the corrections, just the ones who have scored below a 70 will receive an additional 5 points.)


No school on Monday.

Terra Nova testing begins on Tuesday, October 13th. This is not a pass/fail test. It has no affect on their grades or their standing in fourth grade, meaning they won't be detained in 3rd for another year if they do not do well. This test is just to assess what they've learned so far and to use as a benchmark for further instruction. I've been practicing with them in class using this website:

Get lots of rest, eat a good breakfast and bring 2 #2 pencils on Tuesday!

Have a good weekend!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 25 minutes and log.
2. Science- Page 75 numbers 1 and 2
3. Writing- write the steps of turning a pumpkin into a Jack-O-Lantern.

-No school on Monday, October 12th.
-Children will get their Math and Science tests back tomorrow and will do corrections for them. Meaning that they will correct whatever problems they got wrong on a separate sheet of loose leaf paper and they receive an additional 5 points on their test for doing so. Also, I drop the lowest test grade in each subject.
-Terra Nova begins on Tuesday October 13th a letter will go home tomorrow explaining the test and how to prepare outside of what we've been doing in class.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio  

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 25 minutes and log.

2. Social Studies and handwriting worksheet.

3. Writing: describe the feeling of jumping in a pile of leaves. (At least 5 sentences).



Tomorrow is dress down day, the theme is "think pink" for Breast Cancer Awareness. Please do your best to wear a pink shirt.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 25 minutes and fill out reading logs.
2. Math worksheet.
3. Grammar worksheet.


- Terra Nova practice will start tomorrow.
- Permission slips for different clubs were sent home today, please get those back as soon as possible.
-Permission slips for the Halloween Party on October 30th were sent home today, please send those back no later than the date posted on the paper.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Good Afternoon!

1. Read for 25 minutes. I sent home a reading log with the children today, I'd like them filled out every night. Thank you.
2. Social Studies: page 57, numbers 2 and 3.
3. Writing: On the sheet provided, use your five senses to write a poem about fall. I see... I feel... I hear.... I taste.... I smell....

There will be a writing assignment every night now and the children will be creating a writing journal with all their writing assignments!

I apologize about the issue the board game club today, I was under the impression that the clubs started today.

Also, please, please sign up for the Remind App! The class code is @sasthird

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 25 minutes. I apologize for not handing out the reading log I need filled out, they will definitely get them on Monday.
We had mass today and took our Science test, I played a halloween movie today while the kids relaxed. Practice for the Terra Nova exams will begin on Monday. The  actual exams will start on October 13th.

1. Children will get back their Science test on Monday.
If the grade of their test is not that high, the children are required to do corrections, in which they correct the questions they got wrong, if they do that, 5 additional points will be added to their test grade. Furthermore, if a child misses a test, they can take it the day they return to school, no worries. :)

2. I sent home a letter regarding board games club, all of my third graders signed up and I need permission that they can join. It starts on Monday, October 5 and the club is free of charge.

3. I sent home notices about Pizza Day and Dress Down Days, please send those notices back if your child is participating in them.

4. There will be a Math test next week, either Thursday or Friday, seeing as I will not give tests or much homework during the week of Terra Nova testing.

Thank you and have a GREAT weekend!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Good Afternoon!

Sorry for the late post.


1. Read for 25 minutes.
2. Grammar worksheet.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio