Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Good afternoon.

1. Read for 35 minutes and log.
2. Math worksheet
3. Vocabulary page 61
4. Science page 165 (Questions 1-3)


Breakfast with Santa tomorrow- wear red and green dress down/up.

Thank you.
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Good afternoon!


1. Read for 35 minutes and complete reading log.
2. Science page 152 number 1and 2.
3. Social studies worksheets.


Half a day tomorrow, 12:00 dismissal, no after school!
No school Thursday and Friday.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Ms. DiVirgilio

Monday, November 23, 2015

Good afternoon!


1. Read for 35 minutes and complete reading journals.

-Tomorrow is the Thanksgiving feast please bring in the assigned dish (chicken nuggets or baked chicken) no later than 10:30am.
-I'm only having the children do their reading journals tonight for homework because it is very important that I see their actively engaged in their reading.
-Half a day; 12:00 dismissal on Wednesday, November 25- NO AFTER SCHOOL.
-No school Thursday or Friday.

A letter was sent home with some announcements about upcoming days.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio  

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Good afternoon!


1. Read for 35 minutes and log.
2. Social Studies page 139 numbers 1 and 2 (Chart skill).


-Please have your children (if they haven't already) bring in a reading journal (black marble notebook), to have reading responses every night. These will count as quiz grades, They received a letter explaining the assignment. The reading "prompts" are stapled in the back of their journals.
-Tuesday, November 24th, is the Thanksgiving feast. Third grade is required to bring in chicken nuggets or baked chicken.

Thank you.
Ms. DiVirgilio

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Good afternoon!


1. Read for 35 minutes and log (children were given new reading logs.
2. Reading textbook page 107 questions 1, 2, and 4.
3. Vocabulary page 51.

Science and Math tests next week!

Thank you.
Ms. DiVirgilio



Monday, November 16, 2015

Good Afternoon!

1. Read for 35 minutes and log.
2. Math page 125, numbers 9-16
3. Social Studies: Write a paragraph explaining how the inventions: elevators, steel, and the light bulb helped build the first skyscraper.
4. Science worksheet.

Please have your child come in full uniform tomorrow and bring their gym uniform to change into later.

Thank you.
Ms. DiVirgilio

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Good afternoon!

1. Read for 35 minutes and log.
2. Science worksheet.
3. Math page 115 number 6-10.

Thank you. 
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Good afternoon!

1. Read for 35 minutes and log.
2. Math worksheet.
3. Social studies test Thursday.
4. Please get progress reports signed and bring back on Thursday.


No school tomorrow!

Thank you.
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Good Afternoon!

1. Read for 35 minutes and log.
2. Science page 117 numbers 1 and 2.
3. Social studies worksheet-review for test on THURSDAY. :)


-No school Wednesday
-Taco Tuesday is tomorrow- if you paid for your child.
-Parent/Teacher meeting for tomorrow canceled.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Friday, November 6, 2015

Good afternoon!


1. Read for 35 minutes and answer the following questions:
-Who was your favorite character and why?
-What was your least favorite part?

2. Math worksheet: numbers 1-6 and 13-17 show your work using a number line.

Thank you.
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Good afternoon! 


1. Read for 35 minutes and log. 
2. Science page 115 number 1. 
3. Vocabulary page 41

Tomorrow is 12:00 dismissal and first Friday mass. 

Thank you! 
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Good afternoon!

1. Read for 35 minutes and answer the following questions in your reading/writing notebook:
- What you like or dislike about the book and why.
-Why did you chose this book?

2. Science page 113, numbers 1 and 2
3. Math test tomorrow!


Math test tomorrow!
Half Day on Friday-12:00 dismissal and NO after school. 
If your child is in fencing club, they are to wear their gym uniform tomorrow, Thursday November 5th. 

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Good afternoon!


1. Read for 30 minutes and log

2. Science worksheet

3. Vocabulary page 32

No school tomorrow.
Science project due Wednesday.
Vocabulary and spelling tests on Wednesday.
Math test on Thursday.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 30 minutes and log.
2. Science page 105 numbers 1 and 2.


Halloween party tomorrow! If your tuition isn't paid up your child cannot participate in the party, sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you.
Ms. DiVirgilio

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Good evening!

Sorry I haven't been keeping up with the blog posts.


1. Read for 30 minutes and log.
2. Math page 89, numbers 16-30
3. Social Studies open book test tomorrow.


Please sign and return all tests.

Halloween Party on Friday (if you're tuition isn't paid up, your child cannot participate.)

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 30 minutes
2. Math: Page 81 numbers 16-25, round to check your work.


Vocabulary test on Monday 10/26
Science test on Tuesday 10/27

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Good Afternoon!

The Terra Nova is now completed (aside from "make up" days if your child missed any part of the exam.)

The science research project is due on November 6th and I have given the children the following information in regards to it:

-Pick 2 animals.
-Go to the web sites and and find out the following information:
*Their name
*If they are endangered or not.
*What they eat.
*Where they live.
*What type of animal they are (example: mammal, amphibian,)
*Three interesting facts about them.
*What type of ecosystem the animal belongs in.

The project has to be done on poster board (oak tag) and include pictures of both animals to go along with the information. (The information must be typed or written out neatly on a separate sheet of paper and glued to the board, the children do not have to write on the actual board.)
I will be grading these as a TEST grade since the children did not take a chapter 2 science test. 

Also, some of the children asked if they can do more than 2 animals, which is fine, and if they will receive extra credit points towards their grade. 

Thank you! 
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 30 minutes.

2. Write a sentence for each of the 10 vocabulary words from Unit 2. Label the subject and predicate in each sentence.


Pizza Day tomorrow.

Vocabulary test on Monday October 26th

Science test on Tuesday October 27th.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Good afternoon! 


1. Read for 30 minutes and log. 
2. Math worksheet
3. Information for science research project will be given out tomorrow and the project is due on November 6th. 

Reminder: Pizza Day is Wednesday, October 21st. 

Thank you! 
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 30 minutes and log.


Sorry for the short notice but the children need to have a set of rosary beads for tomorrow as we will be having a "Rosary Rally" in which we say a decade of the rosary together.

Terra Nova will continue tomorrow with the Math part.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 30 minutes and log.
2. Math worksheet.

Terra Nova will continue tomorrow with the Language part.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 25 minutes and log. I'm going to start checking logs everyday.
2.  Get tests signed and do corrections. They will receive an addition 5 points on their tests when they do corrections if their grade is below a 70. (Not meaning that all children don't have to do the corrections, just the ones who have scored below a 70 will receive an additional 5 points.)


No school on Monday.

Terra Nova testing begins on Tuesday, October 13th. This is not a pass/fail test. It has no affect on their grades or their standing in fourth grade, meaning they won't be detained in 3rd for another year if they do not do well. This test is just to assess what they've learned so far and to use as a benchmark for further instruction. I've been practicing with them in class using this website:

Get lots of rest, eat a good breakfast and bring 2 #2 pencils on Tuesday!

Have a good weekend!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 25 minutes and log.
2. Science- Page 75 numbers 1 and 2
3. Writing- write the steps of turning a pumpkin into a Jack-O-Lantern.

-No school on Monday, October 12th.
-Children will get their Math and Science tests back tomorrow and will do corrections for them. Meaning that they will correct whatever problems they got wrong on a separate sheet of loose leaf paper and they receive an additional 5 points on their test for doing so. Also, I drop the lowest test grade in each subject.
-Terra Nova begins on Tuesday October 13th a letter will go home tomorrow explaining the test and how to prepare outside of what we've been doing in class.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio  

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 25 minutes and log.

2. Social Studies and handwriting worksheet.

3. Writing: describe the feeling of jumping in a pile of leaves. (At least 5 sentences).



Tomorrow is dress down day, the theme is "think pink" for Breast Cancer Awareness. Please do your best to wear a pink shirt.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 25 minutes and fill out reading logs.
2. Math worksheet.
3. Grammar worksheet.


- Terra Nova practice will start tomorrow.
- Permission slips for different clubs were sent home today, please get those back as soon as possible.
-Permission slips for the Halloween Party on October 30th were sent home today, please send those back no later than the date posted on the paper.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Good Afternoon!

1. Read for 25 minutes. I sent home a reading log with the children today, I'd like them filled out every night. Thank you.
2. Social Studies: page 57, numbers 2 and 3.
3. Writing: On the sheet provided, use your five senses to write a poem about fall. I see... I feel... I hear.... I taste.... I smell....

There will be a writing assignment every night now and the children will be creating a writing journal with all their writing assignments!

I apologize about the issue the board game club today, I was under the impression that the clubs started today.

Also, please, please sign up for the Remind App! The class code is @sasthird

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 25 minutes. I apologize for not handing out the reading log I need filled out, they will definitely get them on Monday.
We had mass today and took our Science test, I played a halloween movie today while the kids relaxed. Practice for the Terra Nova exams will begin on Monday. The  actual exams will start on October 13th.

1. Children will get back their Science test on Monday.
If the grade of their test is not that high, the children are required to do corrections, in which they correct the questions they got wrong, if they do that, 5 additional points will be added to their test grade. Furthermore, if a child misses a test, they can take it the day they return to school, no worries. :)

2. I sent home a letter regarding board games club, all of my third graders signed up and I need permission that they can join. It starts on Monday, October 5 and the club is free of charge.

3. I sent home notices about Pizza Day and Dress Down Days, please send those notices back if your child is participating in them.

4. There will be a Math test next week, either Thursday or Friday, seeing as I will not give tests or much homework during the week of Terra Nova testing.

Thank you and have a GREAT weekend!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Good Afternoon!

Sorry for the late post.


1. Read for 25 minutes.
2. Grammar worksheet.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 25 minutes. Tomorrow the children will be getting a reading log that they will have to fill in every night and have signed by a parent.
2. Math page 57 numbers 9-14
3. Vocabulary worksheet

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 25 minutes.
2. Math worksheet
3. Social Studies page 45 numbers 2 and 3.
4. SCIENCE TEST FRIDAY- The children made study guides today in class. The test format will be 15 multiple choice (4 points each) 10 fill in the blank with word bank (3 points each) and 2 short answer questions (5 points each).
5. Please subscribe to the Remind App. You are able to get updates like the ones on the blog through text message and be able to communicate with me and other parents. Look at Friday's blogpost for instructions.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Good Afternoon!

1. Read for 25 minutes.
2. Math Worksheet
3. Vocabulary page 21... The children are not allowed to write in their workbooks, I ask that the homework is written in their Reading/Writing notebooks.
4. Science Test FRIDAY. The children will be making review sheets for them tomorrow.
5. Please subscribe to the Remind App, look at Friday's blog post for instructions.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Good Afternoon!

1. Read for 25 minutes.
2. Get Vocabulary tests signed. The children did GREAT on their vocabulary tests!
3. I would like everyone to be able to stay connected with each other and with me. There's an app I'd like you to download which allows us to do so. It's called "Remind app" the icon is blue with a white thought bubble on it. When you download it, you can make an account, and click the option to join a class. The app asks you to enter a class code, which is, @sasthird , if everyone joins this we can all message each other and stay connected and informed!

Thank you and have GREAT weekend!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Good afternoon!


1. Read for 25 minutes
2. Math worksheet.
3. Religion: draw a picture using the sentence from your notes today about faith. The picture has to do with something about your faith and how you know God is with you and loves you.
4. Scholastic Book Orders due next week.
5. I hope to set up an app that will connect all of the parents and me, almost like a group text message thread but without having each other numbers. The app is called Remind app. I will be sending a letter home tomorrow further explaining it. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 25 minutes.
2. Math worksheet.
3. Science page 47 numbers 1 and 2.
4. VOCABULARY TEST TOMORROW. The words are: allow, bitter, common, faint, firm, force, goal, patient, prefer, and trace. The children made flash cards on Tuesday to study. The test will consist of 10 multiple choice questions and 10 fill in the blank with a word bank included!
5. I would like to send out the Scholastic book orders next week, if your child plans to order books please send in the order form and check by next week.

Thank you, Ms. DiVirgilio.
Hope to see you all tonight! 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Good Afternoon! 


1. Read for 25 minutes. 
2. Math worksheet. 
3. Grammar worksheet. 
4. Vocabulary Unit 1 Words test on THURSDAY. 
5. Meet the teachers is tomorrow night at 7PM, hope to see you all there! 

Thank you, Ms. DiVirgilio 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Good Afternoon!


Read for 25 minutes
Math- page 43 numbers 1-12
Science- worksheet
Vocabulary Test Unit 1 words- THURSDAY
Gym Tomorrow!

I would like to send the children's book orders in by next month. If your child would like to order books please have the orders in by October 1st. If you are paying by check the checks are to be written out to "Scholastic".

Some parents have asked for my email address, the OptionC emails have not been set up yet but you can reach me at

Thank you! 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Good Afternoon!


-Read for 20 minutes. As the year goes on, this time will increase.

-Social Studies: Page 25, numbers 1 and 5.

-I had planned on giving math homework today but the children were having a bit of difficulty with the material and I didn't want to assign homework that they did not understand.

-Ms. Conaboy, the Title 1 Math teacher handed out letters to select students and those letters need to be returned by Monday.

-Papers to sign up for band have also been handed out and need to be returned.

Thank you, Ms. DiVirgilio
Have a GREAT weekend!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 20 minutes.

2. Math worksheet.

3. Vocabulary worksheet.

Thank you, Ms. DiVirgilio 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Good afternoon!

I hope everyone is having a great first week back. In addition to the children copying their homework in class, I will post the homework here as well.

1. Read for 20 minutes.

2. Science: Page 13, Lesson Checkpoint #1 and 2.

3. Write sentences using the (10) Unit 1 vocabulary words.

4. Computer tomorrow.

Thank you, Ms. DiVirgilio.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Homework Thursday June 4, 2015

Reading: Read passage and answer sentences. Use complete sentences.

Grammar: Using verb tenses worksheet

Math: Quiz tomorrow on picture graphs/bar graphs.

*Tomorrow is a half-day with a 12:00pm dismissal.*No after school*

Monday, June 1, 2015

Homework Monday June 1, 2015

Journal: Read for 30 minutes. Write 1-2 paragraphs.

Math: P. 238 & 239 Quiz on bar graphs/picture graphs on Friday

*Scholastics are due tomorrow*

Parents please be advised we do not have air conditioner in our classroom and it is hot. Please send your child to school dressed appropriately for the weather. Also please be sure to send a water bottle with your child to school.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Homework May 27, 2015

Spelling: P. 214 in pink notebooks

Reading: Visualizing Worksheet

Journal: Read for 20 minutes.

*Tomorrow is our Spring concert. Each child should come to school dressed in their concert attire.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Homework Tuesday May 26. 2015

Spelling: Write words 3x each.
Reading: Read passage and answer questions (worksheet)

*Have all tests signed and corrected*

Tomorrow is our dress rehearsal. Children should come to school dressed in their regular school uniform.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Homework Thursday May 21, 2015

Spelling: Write words 5x each. Test tomorrow.

Math: Quiz tomorrow on elapsed time.

Reading: Vocabulary Worksheet

Science: Review sheet in textbook P. 132 questions 1-9. Open book test on Tuesday (Chapter 4).

Walk a thon is tomorrow. Please remember……

1.                 To wear your gym pants and purple t-shirt along with sneakers.

2.                 Bring a towel or blanket to place on the grass.

3.                 Bagged lunch and water bottle.




Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Homework Wednesday May 20, 2015

Spelling: Sentences and ABC order (Test Friday)

Reading: Visualizing worksheet

Social Studies: Review sheet # 7-10 Chapter 6 test tomorrow.
*Advertisement and extra credit due tomorrow.

Math: Elapsed time quiz on Friday.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Homework Tuesday May 19, 2015

Spelling: P. 209 Worksheet

Science: Questions in notebook. Beginning at P. 120

Social Studies: Chapter 6 review sheet questions 1-5. Test on Thursday.

Math:Quiz on elapsed time on Friday 5/22

Advertisements and Extra credit assignment for Social Studies are due on Thursday. Please keep in mind the advertisements are part of a grade and must be handed in.

**Open book Science test next Tuesday 5/26

          Science Homework Questions P. 120

1.      What do people need in their environment?

2.      How do teeth help digestion?

3.      How do the digestive system and the bloodstream work together?

4.      Interview a person who cooks. Find out how that person chooses to take care of food.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Homework Monday May 18, 2015

Journal: Read for 20 minutes write 1-2 paragraphs about what you read.

Spelling: Write words 3x each.

Reading: Text structure worksheet

Social Studies: Making money choices worksheet.

**Chapter 6 test on Thursday**

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Homework Thursday May 14, 2015

Journal: Read for 20 minutes. Write 1-2 paragraphs about what you read.

Spelling: 5x each. Test tomorrow.

Reading: Test tomorrow on Mom’s Best Friend

Math: P. 224 & 225 worksheets.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Spelling: Sentences for each word. ABC order.

S.S.: Classifying worksheet

Math: P. 222 & 223 worksheets

Reading: Text structure worksheet

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Homework Tuesday May 12, 2015

Spelling: P. 202 worksheet

Reading: Vocabulary worksheet and homonyms assignment

S.S. work on advertisement and extra credit assignment.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Homework Monday May 11, 2015

Spelling: Write new words 3x each.

Reading: Text structure worksheet (take home text book P. 290)

S.S. Worksheet

Social Studies Assignment (Due Thursday May 21, 2015)

Write an advertisement for a business. Choose any business that you wish. Decorate your advertisement with drawings or photos. You may do this on construction paper or computer paper. PLEASE NO LOOSE LEAF PAPER.

*Every student must hand this in. It will count as a project grade. A zero will be given to those who do not complete the assignment. *


·         Be a smart consumer. Find out the price of an item that is sold at three different stores. Make sure the item is the same each time. Make a chart that shows the names of the stores and the prices of the item. Where would you buy the item? Why?


Please complete this on computer paper or construction paper as well. I will not accept loose leaf. To ensure that each child is doing majority of the work, I would like it in their own handwriting. Although not mandatory, I encourage each student to participate.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Homework Friday May 8, 2015

Reading passage and questions (worksheet)

Math-Unit 3 test Monday.

There is limited homework this weekend because I want the students to focus on studying for their math test on Monday. Please make sure they are practicing and reviewing all homework sheets given out for this unit. It is important that they read all word problems carefully.

Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day!!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Homework Thursday May 7, 2015

Journal: Read for 20 minutes. Write a summary about what you read.

Spelling: 5x each. Test tomorrow.

Math: Lesson 23 additional practice and 1st page of unit 3 review sheet. Unit 3 test on Monday.

*Scholastic orders are due on Monday*

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Homework Wednesday May 6, 2015

Math: P. 205 worksheet-(Correct tests and get them signed)
**There will be a unit 3 math test on Monday.

Spelling: Sentences and ABC order

Reading: P. 227


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Homework Tuesday May 5, 2015

Math: P. 202 & 203

Spelling: P. 196

Journal: Read for 20 minutes.

Science fair is tomorrow.

Correct and get tests signed.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Homework Monday May 4, 2015

Journal: Read for 20 minutes. Write 1-2 paragraphs.

Spelling: Write words 3x each.

Reading: P. 113 Workbook

Friday, May 1, 2015

Journal: Read for 40 minutes and fill out sequencing chart.

Math: P. 195 and 196 worksheets

Science: Projects and reports are due on Monday. Late work will not be accepted. We are presenting the projects in class on Monday. If they are not here it will be graded as 0.\

Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Just a reminder** Tomorrow Friday May 1st is a 12:00pm dismissal. Please be on time. Thank You.

Homework Thursday April 30, 2015

Reading: Vocabulary Worksheet

Math: P. 194 and 195

Spelling: Write words 5x each. Test tomorrow.

*Science fair projects are due on Monday*

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Homework Wednesday April 29, 2015

Journal: Read 20 minutes and write 1-2 paragraphs about what you read.

Spelling: Sentences and ABC order

Reading: Summarizing worksheet

Math: two worksheets

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Homework Tuesday April 28, 2015

Journal: Story Map

Spelling: P. 190

Reading: Complete writing prompt. (Publish)

Religion: Worksheet

Monday, April 27, 2015

Homework April 27, 2015

Spelling: Write words 3x each.

Reading: Steps in a process worksheet

Science: P. 37A worksheet

Math: Test on lessons 20 & 21 tomorrow.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Homework Friday April 24, 2015

Journal: Read for 40 minutes. Write 2-3 paragraphs.

Math: P. 189 (Lesson 20 & 21 test Tuesday)
Reading: Compare and contrast worksheet.

S.S: Finish review sheet. Chapter 5 test Monday

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Homework Thursday April 23, 2015

S.S.: Review sheet # 1-5. Chapter 5 test on Monday. Keep S.S. textbook home until Monday.

Math: P. 186 & 187 (Test on Lessons 20 & 21 on Tuesday)

Spelling: 5x each (test tomorrow)

Reading: Selection test tomorrow on What Authors Do?

*Recipes are due tomorrow*

Social Studies Chapter 5

What should I study?

·        Vocabulary words

·        Inventions/inventors

·        Compare and Contrast

·        The Chicago Fire of 1871

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Homework Wednesday April 22, 2015

Journal: Read for 20 minutes. Write a summary about what you read.

Spelling: Write one sentence for each word and put in abc order.

Science: All about earth day activity sheet.

Recipe due on Friday**

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Homework Tuesday April 21, 2015

Journal: Read 20 minutes. Write a summary about what you read.

Spelling: P. 178 worksheet

Math: P. 180 and 181

Reading: Vocabulary worksheet

*Create a recipe DUE Friday April 24th. Recipe should have a list of ingredients and then steps on what needs to be done in order to make it. Please title your recipe with the name of the food or dessert you have chosen.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Homework Monday April 20, 2015

Math: P. 178 (please return all fraction strips tomorrow)

Spelling: Write words 3x each.

Reading: Steps in a process worksheet

S.S: Vocabulary quiz tomorrow

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Homework Thursday April 16, 2015

Journal: Read for 20 minutes. Please fill out summary worksheet.

Spelling: Write words 5x each. Test tomorrow.

Writing: Use self-evaluation check list for descriptive writing drafts.

S.S. P. 26 worksheet about inventions

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Homework Wednesday April 15, 2015

Spelling: Write one sentence for each word and put words in ABC order.

Reading: Elaborations worksheet

Math: P. 172 and 173. (Lesson 19 quiz tomorrow.)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Homework Tuesday April 14, 2015

Spelling: P. 172 worksheet

Math: P. 170 & 171. (Lesson 19 quiz on Thursday)

Grammar: p. 85 Worksheet

Religion: Chap 15 & 16 test tomorrow.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Homework Monday April 13, 2015

S.S. Review and Assess P. 131 (1-5 only)

Spelling: Write words 3x each

Religion: Chap 15/16 review sheets and questions. TEST WEDNESDAY.

**Scholastics due tomorrow**
Religion Review Questions  Chap 15/16
1.    Name two ways Jesus healed people?
2.     What happens in the Sacrament of Baptism.
3.      How does the assembly take part in the celebration of mass?
4.   Why do catholic’s gather for mass each Sunday or Saturday evening?

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Homework Tuesday March 31, 2015

Journal: Read for 20 minutes. Write 1-2 paragraphs about what you read.

Grammar: Past-tense verbs. Ex. B & D

Reading: Main idea worksheet.

Correct math tests and have them signed**

Reminder tomorrow is a 12:00pm dismissal.

Easter break packets were administered today. There are short-response questions attached which mirror the ELA state test. Please have your child do this on his/her own, but I encourage you to check that it was done to his or her best ability.

Have a great night!

Ms. Borrometi

Monday, March 30, 2015

Homework Monday March 30, 2015

Journal: Read for 20 minutes. Write a summary about what you read.

Reading: Main idea and supporting details worksheet

Religion: P. 187 fill-in worksheet

Math: Multiplication “give me five” worksheet.

Just a reminder that Wednesday April 1, 2015 will be a 12:00pm dismissal. NO AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM.