Saturday, October 15, 2011


Monday, Oct. 17
Script- practice writing A
Grammar - Test. study p. 8
Spelling - study and write words 1-5 3x each
Math - study math facts 9+
             worksheet do rows 1-2
Science - work on your food pyramid
Wear gym clothes tomorrow.

Tuesday, Oct. 18
Script - practice writing D
Vocab.- study words 1-5 p. 24
Grammar - do p. 15 #1
Spelling - use words 1-5 in sentences
Math - study math facts 9+
             Test.  Do study sheet
Science - work on your food pyramid

Wednesday, Oct. 19
Script - practice writing O
Vocab.- study words 6-10 p. 25
Grammar - do p. 15 #2
Spelling - study and write words 6-10 3x each
Math - study math facts 10+
            worksheet do rows 3-4
Science - work on your food pyramid

Thursday, Oct. 20
Script - practice writing R
Vocab. - Test. study p. 24-25
Grammar - do p. 15 #3
Math - study math facts 10+
            worksheet do row 5
Spelling - use words 6-10 in sentences
Science - food pyramid project is due tomorrow
Dismissal tomorrow is 11:30

Friday, Oct. 21
Script - practice writing P
Writing - paragraph
Science - fill in your food diary on Saturday and Sunday.  Food diary is due on Monday.

Remember to worship God on Sunday.

Have a great weekend!