Saturday, January 29, 2011


Happy Catholic Schools Week!

Monday, Jan. 31
10am prayer service with Bishop Sansericq

Script - do p. 22 top in pen
Spelling - use words 1-5 in sentences
Vocab.- do p. 67 as study sheet
Grammar - study p. 52. Test tomorrow.
Math - study and write 11x table 2x
worksheet do rows 1-4
Soc. Studies- work on project. Due on Friday.
Wear gym clothes tomorrow.

Tuesday, Feb. 1
9:30 breakfast with Grandparents

Script - do p. 22 bottom in pen
Spelling - study and write words 6-10 3x each
Vocab. - Test. Study words 1-10 p. 62-63
Math - study and write 11x table 2x
worksheet do rows 5-6-7
Soc. Studies - project due Friday
Class trip tomorrow. Wear dress down clothes.
Chaperones please arrive at 9:45am.

Wednesday, Feb. 2
Student Appreciation Day and Groundhog' s Day

No homework. (listen to the news tonight and report on the groundhog's
weather prediction tomorrow)
Class trip to S.I. College Theatre.
Wear dress down clothes.

Thursday, Feb. 3
Chinese New Year - Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Script - do p. 23 in pen
Spelling - use words 6-10 in sentences
Math - do study sheet.
test tomorrow 9x table
Soc. Studies - project due tomorrow
8:45 am Mass tomorrow.
11:30 dismissal tomorrow.

Friday, Feb. 4
Teacher Appreciation Day

Script - do p. 24 top in pen
Spelling - study and write words 11-15 3x each
Writing - My Best Friend