Saturday, January 8, 2011


Monday, Jan. 10
Script - do p. 13 in pen
Spelling - use words 11-15 each in a sentence
Math - study and write 8x multiplication table 2x
worksheet do #1-10
Soc. Studies- do study sheet p. R 22-23
Wear gym clothes tomorrow.

Tuesday, Jan. 11
Script - do p. 14 top in pen
Spelling - Test. Study words 1-15
Math - sign test.
Study and write 8x multiplication table 2x
worksheet do #11-20
Vocab.- sign test
study words p. 56 #1-5
Grammar - sign test
do p. 55 #1-8
Soc. Studies - do study sheet p. R 22-23

Wednesday, Jan. 12
Script - do p. 14 bottom in pen
Math - study and write 8x multiplication table 2x
worksheet do #21-27
Vocab. - study words p. 57 #6-10
Grammar - do p. 55 writing 5 plural word sentences
Soc. Studies - Test. Review study sheet
Return library book and book report.

Thursday, Jan. 13
Script - do p. 15 in pen
Spelling - sign test
study and write words 1-5 3x each
Math - study and write 8x multiplication table 2x
worksheet do rows 1-4
Grammar - Test. Study p. 48
Vocab. - do p. 61 #1-10 as study sheet
Read your library book and begin your book report

Friday, Jan. 14
Script - do p. 16 top in pen
Spelling - use words 1-5 each in a sentence
Vocab. - Test. Study p. 56-57
Math - study and write 8x multiplication table 2x
worksheet do rows 5-7
Writing - My Most Embarrassing Moment

Reminder: School is closed in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

Remember to worship God on Sunday.

Have a great weekend!