Monday, January 31, 2011

Class trip announcement

Dear Parents,

Please note that the class trip scheduled for Wed., Feb. 2, has been cancelled.

The trip has been rescheduled for Thursday, March 31.

Thank you.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Happy Catholic Schools Week!

Monday, Jan. 31
10am prayer service with Bishop Sansericq

Script - do p. 22 top in pen
Spelling - use words 1-5 in sentences
Vocab.- do p. 67 as study sheet
Grammar - study p. 52. Test tomorrow.
Math - study and write 11x table 2x
worksheet do rows 1-4
Soc. Studies- work on project. Due on Friday.
Wear gym clothes tomorrow.

Tuesday, Feb. 1
9:30 breakfast with Grandparents

Script - do p. 22 bottom in pen
Spelling - study and write words 6-10 3x each
Vocab. - Test. Study words 1-10 p. 62-63
Math - study and write 11x table 2x
worksheet do rows 5-6-7
Soc. Studies - project due Friday
Class trip tomorrow. Wear dress down clothes.
Chaperones please arrive at 9:45am.

Wednesday, Feb. 2
Student Appreciation Day and Groundhog' s Day

No homework. (listen to the news tonight and report on the groundhog's
weather prediction tomorrow)
Class trip to S.I. College Theatre.
Wear dress down clothes.

Thursday, Feb. 3
Chinese New Year - Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Script - do p. 23 in pen
Spelling - use words 6-10 in sentences
Math - do study sheet.
test tomorrow 9x table
Soc. Studies - project due tomorrow
8:45 am Mass tomorrow.
11:30 dismissal tomorrow.

Friday, Feb. 4
Teacher Appreciation Day

Script - do p. 24 top in pen
Spelling - study and write words 11-15 3x each
Writing - My Best Friend

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Tomorrow, Monday is the last day for the Book Fair.

Monday, Jan. 24
Script - do p. 18 in pen
Spelling - use words 11-15 in sentences
Math - do study sheet. Test 8x table
Religion - study #1 on study sheet
Wear gym clothes tomorrow.

Tuesday, Jan. 25
Script - do p. 19 in pen
Spelling - Test - study words 1-15
Math - study and write 10x table 2x
worksheet do rows 1-4
Religion - study #2 on study sheet

Wednesday, Jan. 26
Script - do p. 20 in pen
Math - study and write 10x table 2x
worksheet do rows 5-6
Vocab.- study words 1-5 p. 62
Religion - study #3 on study sheet
Return library book and book report.

Thursday, Jan. 27
Script - do p. 21 in pen
Spelling - study and write words 1-5 3x each
Vocab.- study words 6-10 p. 63
Math - study and write 10x table 2x
worksheet do rows 7-8
Religion - study #4 on study sheet
Test tomorrow.
Read library book and begin the book report.

Friday, Jan. 28
Script - do p. 22 in pen
Spelling - use words 1-5 in sentences
Vocab.- do p. 67 as study sheet
Math - study and write 10x table 2x
worksheet do rows 9-10
Writing - at least 8 sentences about:
The Groundhog Predicts

Remember to worship God on Sunday.

Enjoy your weekend!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Monday, Jan. 17
Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Tuesday, Jan. 18
Voc. - Test. Study words 1-10 p. 56-57
Script - do p. 16 top in pen
Spelling - study and write words 6-10 3x each
Math - study and write 9x table 2x
worksheet do rows 1-2
Science - do study sheet p. 2
Religion - complete statement 1
Book Fair tomorrow.

Wednesday, Jan. 19
Grammar - sign test
Script - do p. 16 bottom in pen
Spelling - use words 6-10 in sentences
Math - study and write 9x table 2x
worksheet do rows 3-4
Science - do study sheet p. 3
Religion - complete statement 2
Return library book and book report.

Thursday, Jan. 20
Vocab.- sign test
Script - do p. 17 in pen
Spelling - study and write words 11-15 3x each
Math - study and write 9x table 2x
worksheet do rows 5-6-7
Science - Test. Review study sheets
Religion - complete statement 3
Read library book and begin book report.

Friday, Jan. 21
Script - do p. 18 in pen
Spelling - use words 11-15 in sentences
Math - Test. Do study sheet.
Religion - complete statement 4
Writing - topic - If I Were the Teacher

Remember to worship God on Sunday.

Have a great weekend!


Saturday, January 8, 2011


Monday, Jan. 10
Script - do p. 13 in pen
Spelling - use words 11-15 each in a sentence
Math - study and write 8x multiplication table 2x
worksheet do #1-10
Soc. Studies- do study sheet p. R 22-23
Wear gym clothes tomorrow.

Tuesday, Jan. 11
Script - do p. 14 top in pen
Spelling - Test. Study words 1-15
Math - sign test.
Study and write 8x multiplication table 2x
worksheet do #11-20
Vocab.- sign test
study words p. 56 #1-5
Grammar - sign test
do p. 55 #1-8
Soc. Studies - do study sheet p. R 22-23

Wednesday, Jan. 12
Script - do p. 14 bottom in pen
Math - study and write 8x multiplication table 2x
worksheet do #21-27
Vocab. - study words p. 57 #6-10
Grammar - do p. 55 writing 5 plural word sentences
Soc. Studies - Test. Review study sheet
Return library book and book report.

Thursday, Jan. 13
Script - do p. 15 in pen
Spelling - sign test
study and write words 1-5 3x each
Math - study and write 8x multiplication table 2x
worksheet do rows 1-4
Grammar - Test. Study p. 48
Vocab. - do p. 61 #1-10 as study sheet
Read your library book and begin your book report

Friday, Jan. 14
Script - do p. 16 top in pen
Spelling - use words 1-5 each in a sentence
Vocab. - Test. Study p. 56-57
Math - study and write 8x multiplication table 2x
worksheet do rows 5-7
Writing - My Most Embarrassing Moment

Reminder: School is closed in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

Remember to worship God on Sunday.

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year 2011!

Monday, Jan. 3
Script - do p 8 top in pen
Spelling - study and write words 1-5 3x each
Math - study and write 7x multip. table 2x
worksheet do #16-20
Vocab.- study words 1-5 p. 50
Grammar - do p. 55 #1-2
Soc. Studies - read p. 30-37 and do study sheet
Wear gym clothes tomorrow.

Tuesday, Jan. 4
Script - do p. 8 bottom in pen
Spelling - use words 1-5 each in a sentence
Math - study and write 7x multip. table 2x
worksheet do #1-16
Vocab.- study words 6-10 p. 51
Grammar - do p. 51 #3-4-5
Soc. Studies - read p. 30-37 and do study sheet

Wednesday, Jan. 5
Script - do p. 9 in pen
Spelling - study and write words 6-10 3x each
Math - study and write 7x multip. table 2x
worksheet do # 17-23
Vocab.- do p. 55 as study sheet
Test p. 50-51
Grammar - do p. 51 #6-7
Soc. Studies - read p. 30-37 and do study sheet

Thursday, Jan. 6
Script - do p. 12 top in pen
Spelling- use words 6-10 each in a sentence
Math - study and write 7x multip. table 2x
worksheet do #1-15
Grammar - study p. 44. Test Friday
Soc. Studies- read p. 40-45 and do study sheet
Tomorrow, Friday, dismissal is 11:30.
8:45am Mass. All are invited to join us.

Friday, Jan. 7
Script - do p. 12 bottom in pen
Spelling - study and write words 11-15 3x each
Math - do study sheet. Test Monday on 6x multip. table
Soc. Studies - read p. 40-45 and do study sheet
Writing - at least 8 sentences on how you enjoyed the blizzard.
Title - Snow!

Remember to worship God on Sunday.
Have a great weekend!