Thursday, October 28, 2010


We congratulate our 8th Grade students who will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday.

Monday, Nov. 1 All Saints Day
Spelling - sign test. Study and write words 1-5 3x each
Math - study 2x multiplication table. Worksheet do rows 5-6
Script - practice writing B
Wear gym uniforms tomorrow.

Tuesday, Nov. 2 Election Day
Spelling - use words 1-5 each in a sentence
Math - study 2x multiplication table. Worksheet do # 1-10
Script - practice writing G

Wednesday, Nov. 3
Spelling - study and write words 6-10 3x each
Math - study 2x multiplication table. Worksheet do # 11-20
Script - practice writing H
Vocab.- study words 1-5 p. 30

Thursday, Nov. 4
Spelling - use words 6-10 each in a sentence
Math - study 2x multiplication table. Do study sheet. Test tomorrow.
Script - practice writing S
Vocab.- study words 6-10 p. 31
First Friday 8:45 Mass tomorrow. All are invited to join us.
Dismissal tomorrow is 11:30.

Friday, Nov. 5
Spelling - study and write words 11-15 3x each
Math - study 2x multiplication table. Do study sheet. Test Monday.
Script - practice writing K
Vocab.- do p. 35 as study sheet. Test on Tuesday.
Writing - write your own recipe for Freckle Juice.

Remember to worship God on Sunday.

Have a great weekend!