Reminder: Thursday, Oct. 14, is Picture Day. Practice your best smile!
Tuesday, Oct. 12
Math - study math facts 8+
worksheet do rows 1-2
Spelling - use words 6-10 each in a sentence
Script - practice writing l
Grammar - do p. 19 # 7-8
Test. Review p. 16
Wednesday, Oct. 13
Math - sign test
study math facts 8+
worksheet do rows 3-4
Spelling - study and write words 11-15 3x each
Script - practice writing h
Vocab.- test. Study p. 18-19
Soc. Studies - test. Review study sheet.
Thursday, Oct. 14
Math - study math facts 8+
worksheet do rows 5-6
Spelling - use words 11-15 each in a sentence.
Test on words 1-15
Script - practice writing b
Grammar - sign test
do p. 23
Friday, Oct. 15
Script - practice writing k
Soc. Studies - sign test
Writing assignment:
In a paragraph of at least 8 sentences or more, write a spooky tale for
Halloween. Your story can be scary or funny. Two titles are below. Pick the title you want and write about it.
The Haunted House or The Friendly Ghost
Remember to worship God on Sunday.
Enjoy your weekend!