Saturday, November 21, 2009


Mon., Nov. 23

Script - practice f
Math - worksheet do rows 1-3
Vocabulary - test. Study words p. 30-31
Science - read p. A 42-43
Wear gym clothes tomorrow.

Tues., Nov. 24

Script - workbook p. 10 top. Write each word 2x.
Math - worksheet do rows 4-5
Science - read p. A 44-47
Dismissal is 11:30 tomorrow.

Wed., Nov. 25

Script - workbook p. 10 bottom. Write each word 2x.
Math - worksheet do rows 6-7
Reading - read p. 29 in Freckle Juice. Make up your own recipe for freckle juice. Look in your refrigerator and cabinets for ingreient ideas. Write the recipe.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
I am thankful for such wonderful 3rd Grade students!