Mon., Nov. 16
Script - practice writing l
Spelling - test. Study words 1-15.
Math - worksheet do row 1.
Science - read p. A 32-33.
Soc. Studies - p. R 22 study beach and island.
Wear gym clothes tomorrow.
Tues., Nov. 17
Script - practice writing h.
Math - worksheet do row 2.
Science - read p. A 34-35.
Soc. Studies - read p. 44-45.
Study p. R22 canal and lake.
Bring snack tomorrow.
Wed., Nov. 18
Script - practice b.
Vocab.- study words p. 30.
Math - worksheet do row 3.
Science - read p. A 36.
Soc. Studies - read p. 46-47.
Study p. R22 plains, hill and mesa.
Work on your book report.
Thurs., Nov. 19
Script - practice writing k.
Grammar - p. 23 draw and write.
Vocab. - study words p. 31.
Math - worksheet do rows 4 and 5.
Test Monday.
Science - read p. A 37.
Soc. Studies - read p. 48 -49.
Study p. R22 gulf and peninsula.
Reading - read Allie's Basketball Dream p. 111-126.
Writing - What is your favorite sport? Write the name of your sport
in a column down the left side of your paper. Write a word or phrase that
begins with each letter and tells about your sport.
No school Friday.
Have a great weekend!