Monday March
2, 2015
Spelling: Write words 3x each.
Vocabulary: P. 185
Math: P. 135 worksheet and begin studying for test Thurs.Reading/writing workshop: Make a list of people you admire and give several reasons why. We will be writing our drafts tomorrow.
If you have not brought in your invention please bring it tomorrow.
****The math test will cover the following topics: (Lessons 9-15)
-Multiply and divide within 100
-Two step word problems
-Using equations from word problems
-Patterns and their rule
-Rounding whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100
-Add and subtract within 1,000
-Multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10
To assist your child in studying please use the following:
-Math workbook (each lesson starts off with guided instruction on how to solve and what is expected)
-Previous math test on lessons 9, 10, 11
-Homework worksheets
-Study guide that was previously handed out
-Review sheets (will be given out tomorrow)
If you have any questions please speak with me directly.
Have a great night!
Ms. Borrometi