Saturday, March 3, 2012


Monday, March 5
Script - do p. 56 top in pen
Spelling - Test.  Study words 1-20
Vocab.- study words 1-5 p. 96
Math - study and writ 12x table 2x
            worksheet do rows 1-2
Wear gym clothes tomorrow

Tuesday, March 6
Script - do p. 56 bottom in pen
Vocab.- study words 6-10 p. 97
Spelling - study and write words 1-5 3x each
Math - study and write 12x table 2x
            worksheet do rows 3-4
Science - do A on study sheet

Wednesday, March 7
Script - do p. 57 in pen
Vocab.- Test.  Study words 1-10 p. 96-97
Spelling - use words 1-5 in sentences
Math - study and write 12x table 2x
             worksheet do rows 5-6-7
Science - do B on study sheet
Return library book and library log

Thursday, March 8
Script - do p. 58 top in pen
Spelling - study and write words 6-10 3x each
Math - do study sheet.  Test 11x table
Science - do C on study sheet
Read library book and fill in log

Friday, March 9
Script - do p. 58 bottom in pen
Spelling - use words 6-10 in sentences
Science - do D on study sheet
Writing - paragraph and drawing
Book club orders due tomorrow.

Remember to worship God on Sunday.

Have a great weekend!