Monday, March 14
Spelling - study and write words 6-10 3x each
Script - do p. 41 in pen
Math - study and write 9x table 2x. Also, do worksheet rows 1-2
Wear gym clothes tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 15
Spelling - use words 6-10 in sentences
Script - do p. 42 in pen
Math - study and write 10x table 2x. Also, do worksheet rows 3-4
Soc. Studies - Test. read study sheet
Wednesday, March 16
Spelling - study and write words 11-15 3x each
Script - do p. 43 in pen
Math - study and write 11x table 2x. Also, do worksheet rows 5-7
Thursday, March 17 Happy St. Partick's Day!
Spelling - use words 11-15 in sentences
Script - do p. 44 top in pen
Math - study and write 12x table 2x. Also, do worksheet rows 1-2
Grammar - do p. 187
Science proposal is due on Monday.
Reminder: School is closed on Friday.
Report cards will be distributed on Monday, March 21.
Remember to worship God on Sunday.
Have a great weekend!