Saturday, February 5, 2011


Monday, Feb. 7
Script - do p. 24 bottom in pen
Grammar - do p. 63 #1-4
Spelling - use words 11-15 in sentences
Math - study and write 12x table 2x
worksheet do rows 1-2
Science - read p. C 8-10 and do study sheet
Wear gym clothes tomorrow.

Tuesday, Feb. 8
Script - do p. 25 in pen
Grammar - do p. 63 #5-8
Spelling - Test tomorrow. Study words 1-15
Math - study and write 12x table 2x
worksheet do rows 3-4
Science - read p. C 8-10 and do study sheet

Wednesday, Feb. 9
Script - do p. 26 top in pen
Math - study and write 12x table 2x
worksheet do rows 5-7
Religion - answer question in 5 sentences
Science - read p. C 11-13 and do study sheet

Thursday, Feb. 10
Script - do p. 26 bottom in pen
Math - do study sheet
Test tomorrow 10x table
Science - read p. C 11-13 and do study sheet
Read your library book and begin book report.

Friday, Feb. 11
Script - do p. 27 in pen
Science - Test Monday. Study p. C 8-13
Writing - 3 Wishes for my Teacher

Remember to worship God on Sunday.

Have a lovely weekend!