Monday, September 6, 2010

Welcome Back!

Welcome to the Third Grade!

I hope you enjoyed your summer vacation. School opens on Wed., Sept. 8, 2010. I will meet you on the 3rd Grade line in the auditorium. Don't be late. School begins at 8:10am. You should be wearing your school uniform and have the following supplies with you:

-your completed summer assignment book
-a sturdy school bag - wheelies are o.k.
-a lunch box (beginning Monday, Sept. 13)
-2 hard cover marble composition books
-a pencil case with 4 sharpened pencils, an eraser, 2 erasable blue pens and a glue
-1 (two pocket) folder, any design
-in a plastic zip loc bag: a box of Crayola crayons and one set of Crayola washable
magic markers
-one box of facial tissues
-one roll of paper towels

I am looking forward to sharing your 3rd Grade experience with you!

Ms. J. Jakubowski