Friday, April 9, 2010


Welcome Back!

Monday, April 12
Script - do p. 58 top
Spelling - study and write words 11-15 3x each
Vocab.- study words 1-6 p. 90
Grammar - do p. 99
Math - wksheet do rows 5-6-7
Quiz 3x multiplication table
Wear gym clothes tomorrow.
Late science reports due tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 13
Script - do p. 58 bottom
Spelling - use words 11-15 each in a sentence.
Vocab.- study words 7-10 p. 91
Grammar - do p. 101 # 1-10
Math - wksheet do rows 1-2
Quiz 4x multiplication table
Science - read p. D 8-16

Wednesday, April 14
Script - do p. 59
Spelling - study and write words 16-20 3x each
Vocab.- do p. 94 as study sheet
Grammar - do p. 103 #1-8
Math - wksheet do rows 3-4
Quiz 5x multiplication table
Science - read p. D 17-21

Thursday, April 15
Script - do p. 61
Spelling - use words 16-20 each in a sentence
Vocab.- test. Words 1-10 p. 90-91
Grammar - do p. 105 #1-10
Math - wksheet do rows 5-6-7
Quiz 6x multiplication table
Soc. Studies - read p. 220-227
Begin to read your library book and work on your book report.

Friday, April 16
Script - do p. 62
Spelling - Test Monday. Study words 1-20
Grammar - do p. 107
Math - quiz Monday 7x multiplication table
Writing - read story and do menu assignment.

Have a great weekend!