Monday, March 15
Math - worksheet do rows 1-2
Study 10x multiplication table
Script - do p. 49
Spelling - study and write words 1-5 3x each
Grammar - do p. 81 # 1-12
Soc. Studies - return study sheet. Test Tuesday.
Wear gym clothes tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 16
Math - worksheet do rows 3-4
Study 10x multiplication table
Script - do p. 50 top
Spelling - use words 1-5 each in a sentence
Grammar - do p. 83
Science - read p.B64-67
Wednesday, March 17 Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Math - worksheet do rows 5-6
Study 10x multiplication table
Script - do p. 50 bottom
Spelling - study and write words 6-10 3x each
Grammar - do p. 85 #1-10
Return library book and book report
Dismissal tomorrow is 11:30 for report card conferences.
Thursday, March 18
Report cards will be sent home today. I am proud of your hard work. Keep trying to
do your best everyday!
Math - worksheet do rows 7-8
Study 10x multiplication table
Script - do p. 51
Spelling - use words 6-10 each in a sentence
Grammar - do p. 87
Soc. Studies - read p. 192-195. Sign test.
Read your library book and begin your book report.
Friday, March 19 Feast of St. Joseph
Math - worksheet do rows 9-10
Study 10x multiplication table
Spelling - study and write words 11-15 3x each
Script - do p. 52 top
Reminder: You are invited to attend the memorial mass at 11am for Mrs. Walker.