Saturday, January 9, 2010


Mon., Jan. 11
Spelling - use words 11-15 each in a sentence.
Math - worksheet do rows 1-2.
Study 5x table.
Script - do p. 19.
Science - read p. A94-97.
Wear gym clothes tomorrow.

Tues., Jan. 12
Spelling - study words Unit 8 1-15. Test tomorrow.
Math - worksheet do rows 3-4.
Sign test.
Study 5x table.
Script - do p. 20 top.
Science - read p. A98-99.

Wed., Jan. 13
Math - worksheet do rows 5-6.
Study 5x table.
Script - do p. 20 bottom.
Grammar - write paragraph p. 35.
Science - read p. A102-105.
Soc. Studies - read p. 84-87.
Return library book and book report.

Thurs., Jan. 14
Spelling - study and write words 1-5 Unit 9 3x each.
Sign test.
Math - worksheet do row 7.
Study 5x table.
Script - do p. 21.
Soc. Studies - read p. 88-91.
Begin reading your library book and work on your book report.

Fri., Jan 15
Spelling - use words 1-5 each in a sentence.
Script - do p. 22 top.
Math - do study sheet. Test on Tuesday.
Study 5x table.
Grammar - do study sheet. Test on Tuesday.
Work on safety poster contest.

Enjoy the long weekend!