Friday, February 27, 2015

Homework Friday February 27, 2015

Vocab: Index/flash cards for new words. P. 180.

Math: Worksheets P. 132-133

Religion: We respond worksheet

Reading: Singular and Plural nouns worksheet.

**Bring in completed inventions and details for your story maps.

There will be a Unit 2 Math test next Thursday!!
Science fair PROPOSALS are due on March 25th!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Homework and Important Information

Homework February 26, 2015

Journal: Read for 20 minutes. Write 1-2 paragraphs.

Spelling: Write words 5x each. Test tomorrow.

Reading: Graphic Sources worksheet. Test tomorrow on “Tornado Alert” story.

Religion: Parish worksheet

Please remember to check your child's red folder for important notes and assignments.

Some important information:

1. The inventions are due on Monday March 2nd and I look forward to seeing everyone's crazy yet brilliant ideas!

2. We are doing a "pot of gold" story map on Monday. The class has started reading a chapter book of their choice. They need to finish the book by Monday and are to come to school with the following information:
Setting (when and where the story takes place)
Theme (Main Idea)

We will be putting the map together in class.

3. Please check your child's folder for important information regarding science fair projects. Directions have been given along with a proposal that must be signed and returned by March 25th. The proposal is telling us what your child will be doing for the project. IT MUST BE APPROVED BEFORE HE/SHE CAN BEGIN WORKING ON IT.  The actual science fair will be held on May 6th, but we will be doing a small fair in our classroom prior to that. I would suggest they are due on May 1st (Date can be changed) Please do not use any chemicals**


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Homework February 25, 2015

S.S.-*Traveling west worksheet* please refer to your textbook for help.

Religion: Forgiveness prayer and questions.

Reading: Context clues sheet

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Homework February 24, 2015

Spelling: Worksheet P. 136

Reading: Context Clues worksheet

Math: P. 126 and 127. Use different strategies.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Homework Monday February 23, 2015

Journal: Read for 30 minutes. Write 1-2 paragraphs about what you read.

Math: P. 125 worksheet *Remember to use your math text as a guide to help you*

Spelling: Write words 3x each.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Scholastics has given our school the opportunity to participate in a fun and creative contest that involves creating your own brilliantly ridiculous invention! Third grade will be participating! Each student is to draw a picture of their own invention (BE CREATIVE AND FUN) and write a brief description about it. This will be due on Monday March 2, 2015. I look forward to seeing everyone's creative ideas!!


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Homework February 12, 2015

Journal: Read for 30 minutes and write 1-2 paragraphs about what you read.

Spelling: 5x each. Test tomorrow.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Homework February 11, 2015

S.S.-Chapter 3 test tomorrow. Make sure to study chapter from text and study guide notes from class.

Spelling: P. 131 Worksheet

Vocabulary: Write one sentence for each word. *Test tomorrow*

Monday, February 9, 2015

Homework Monday February 9, 2015

Journal: Read for 20 minutes. Write 1-2 paragraphs about what you read.

Spelling: Write words 3x each.

Vocabulary: P. 174 Worksheet

Reading: Context clues worksheet.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Homework Friday February 6, 2015

Journal: Read for 40 minutes and write 2-3 paragraphs about what you read.

Reading: Compound words worksheet

Math: P. 119 worksheet. Make sure you use rounding/estimation and show all your work.

Religion: My prayer list activity/chapter 9 & 10 test on Monday

Vocabulary: Index cards for new words. P 172. Write definitions and synonyms

Have a great weekend! Stay warm!

Ms. Borrometi

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Homework Thursday February 5, 2015

Journal: Read for 20 minutes. Write 1-2 paragraphs about what you read.

Reading: Nouns worksheet from “Guys From Space”

Spelling: Write words 5x each. Test tomorrow.

Math: P. 117 worksheet-Rounding.

Reminder: tomorrow is a 12:00pm dismissal with no after school.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Homework Wednesday February 4, 2015
Vocabulary: Write one sentence for each word. Test Tomorrow***

Reading: P. 127 Worksheet. (Writing across texts). Brainstorm ideas for humorous poems.

Religion: P. 127 Worksheet

Math: P. 115 Rounding/estimating worksheet

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Homework February 3, 2015

Vocabulary: P. 164 & 165. Test on Thursday.

Spelling: P.124 and write words 3x each.

Reading: Realism/Fantasy Worksheet

Journal: Read for 20 minutes. Write 1-2 paragraphs.

Have a safe and warm night!