Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 25 minutes. Tomorrow the children will be getting a reading log that they will have to fill in every night and have signed by a parent.
2. Math page 57 numbers 9-14
3. Vocabulary worksheet

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 25 minutes.
2. Math worksheet
3. Social Studies page 45 numbers 2 and 3.
4. SCIENCE TEST FRIDAY- The children made study guides today in class. The test format will be 15 multiple choice (4 points each) 10 fill in the blank with word bank (3 points each) and 2 short answer questions (5 points each).
5. Please subscribe to the Remind App. You are able to get updates like the ones on the blog through text message and be able to communicate with me and other parents. Look at Friday's blogpost for instructions.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Good Afternoon!

1. Read for 25 minutes.
2. Math Worksheet
3. Vocabulary page 21... The children are not allowed to write in their workbooks, I ask that the homework is written in their Reading/Writing notebooks.
4. Science Test FRIDAY. The children will be making review sheets for them tomorrow.
5. Please subscribe to the Remind App, look at Friday's blog post for instructions.

Thank you!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Good Afternoon!

1. Read for 25 minutes.
2. Get Vocabulary tests signed. The children did GREAT on their vocabulary tests!
3. I would like everyone to be able to stay connected with each other and with me. There's an app I'd like you to download which allows us to do so. It's called "Remind app" the icon is blue with a white thought bubble on it. When you download it, you can make an account, and click the option to join a class. The app asks you to enter a class code, which is, @sasthird , if everyone joins this we can all message each other and stay connected and informed!

Thank you and have GREAT weekend!
Ms. DiVirgilio 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Good afternoon!


1. Read for 25 minutes
2. Math worksheet.
3. Religion: draw a picture using the sentence from your notes today about faith. The picture has to do with something about your faith and how you know God is with you and loves you.
4. Scholastic Book Orders due next week.
5. I hope to set up an app that will connect all of the parents and me, almost like a group text message thread but without having each other numbers. The app is called Remind app. I will be sending a letter home tomorrow further explaining it. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 25 minutes.
2. Math worksheet.
3. Science page 47 numbers 1 and 2.
4. VOCABULARY TEST TOMORROW. The words are: allow, bitter, common, faint, firm, force, goal, patient, prefer, and trace. The children made flash cards on Tuesday to study. The test will consist of 10 multiple choice questions and 10 fill in the blank with a word bank included!
5. I would like to send out the Scholastic book orders next week, if your child plans to order books please send in the order form and check by next week.

Thank you, Ms. DiVirgilio.
Hope to see you all tonight! 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Good Afternoon! 


1. Read for 25 minutes. 
2. Math worksheet. 
3. Grammar worksheet. 
4. Vocabulary Unit 1 Words test on THURSDAY. 
5. Meet the teachers is tomorrow night at 7PM, hope to see you all there! 

Thank you, Ms. DiVirgilio 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Good Afternoon!


Read for 25 minutes
Math- page 43 numbers 1-12
Science- worksheet
Vocabulary Test Unit 1 words- THURSDAY
Gym Tomorrow!

I would like to send the children's book orders in by next month. If your child would like to order books please have the orders in by October 1st. If you are paying by check the checks are to be written out to "Scholastic".

Some parents have asked for my email address, the OptionC emails have not been set up yet but you can reach me at

Thank you! 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Good Afternoon!


-Read for 20 minutes. As the year goes on, this time will increase.

-Social Studies: Page 25, numbers 1 and 5.

-I had planned on giving math homework today but the children were having a bit of difficulty with the material and I didn't want to assign homework that they did not understand.

-Ms. Conaboy, the Title 1 Math teacher handed out letters to select students and those letters need to be returned by Monday.

-Papers to sign up for band have also been handed out and need to be returned.

Thank you, Ms. DiVirgilio
Have a GREAT weekend!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Good Afternoon!


1. Read for 20 minutes.

2. Math worksheet.

3. Vocabulary worksheet.

Thank you, Ms. DiVirgilio 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Good afternoon!

I hope everyone is having a great first week back. In addition to the children copying their homework in class, I will post the homework here as well.

1. Read for 20 minutes.

2. Science: Page 13, Lesson Checkpoint #1 and 2.

3. Write sentences using the (10) Unit 1 vocabulary words.

4. Computer tomorrow.

Thank you, Ms. DiVirgilio.